Excidobates condor è una specie di anfibio nella famiglia di Dendrobatidae.

Specie Descrizione: Almendariz A, Ron SR, Brito J 2012 Una nuova specie di rana veleno del genere Excidobates (dendrobatoidea: Dendrobatidae) della Cordillera del Condor. Pap. Avulsos Zool (Sao Paulo) 52: 387-399.

The genus Excidobates comprises two species, E. captivus and E. mysteriosus, distributed in the Río Marañón basin in Peru. Herpetofaunal assessments in the eastern Andean montane forest in Province of Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador, resulted in the discovery of a new species of the genus, which we describe as Excidobates condor sp. nov. We provide information on habitat, natural history, and distribution, as well as describe its tadpoles. The species is known from three localities separated by 18 km (straight line distance) that generate a polygon of 7 km2. A phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial genes 12S and 16S rRNA suggests the new species is closely related to Excidobates mysteriosus and E. captivus, and is distinguished by color pattern and the texture of the skin of the dorsum. With the addition of the new species to Excidobates, none of the morphological characters diagnostic of the genus is synapomorphic. Thus, Excidobates is supported by genetic characters only. Additionally we analyze the morphological affinities between adults and larvae Andinobates abditus with members of the genus Excidobates.
The genus Excidobates comprises two species, E. captivus and E. mysteriosus, distributed in the Río Marañón basin in Peru. Herpetofaunal assessments in the eastern Andean montane forest in Province of Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador, resulted in the discovery of a new species of the genus, which we describe as Excidobates condor sp. nov. We provide information on habitat, natural history, and distribution, as well as describe its tadpoles. The species is known from three localities separated by 18 km (straight line distance) that generate a polygon of 7 km2. A phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial genes 12S and 16S rRNA suggests the new species is closely related to Excidobates mysteriosus and E. captivus, and is distinguished by color pattern and the texture of the skin of the dorsum. With the addition of the new species to Excidobates, none of the morphological characters diagnostic of the genus is synapomorphic. Thus, Excidobates is supported by genetic characters only. Additionally we analyze the morphological affinities between adults and larvae Andinobates abditus with members of the genus Excidobates.

Classificazione scientifica

Regno Animalia

Phylum Chordata

Classe Anfibi

Sottoclasse Lissanfibi

Superordine Salientia

Ordine Anura

Sottordine Neobatrachia

Famiglia Dendrobatidae

Sottofamiglia Dendrobatinae

Genere Excidobates

Nomenclatura binomiale
Excidobates condor
ALMENDÁRIZ, Ron e Brito, 2012

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Non sembrano esserci tratti fisici condivisi esclusivamente tra le tre specie di Excidobates, ma sono geneticamente identificati tutti come parenti stretti. La nuova specie è simile nel colore a determinati Andinobates (E. captivus assomiglia di più a Ranitomeya o Adelphobates quinquevittatus; E. mysteriosus assomiglia più a Oophaga e Dendrobates).


Il suo habitat è identificato finora stimato a circa 7 chilometri quadrati nella Cordillera del Condor.

Excidobates condor _Paratipo EPN13659_